October 8, 2018
From the Bear Clan in Nadleh Whut’en First Nation in British Columbia, Canada, singer-songwriter Cheryl Bear puts Native stories and spirituality to song with her second album release, The Good Road. Blending traditional and contemporary styles, The Good Road connects history and teachings of the elders to daily Indigenous life. As a public speaker and teacher, Cheryl advocates for deeper understanding between cultures and transforming negative stereotypes to positive ones. She is one of the founding members of NAIITS (North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies), and an Associate Professor at Regent College in Vancouver, BC. Her doctorate in Ministry along with her music and passion for storytelling has taken Cheryl to more than 600 Indigenous and non-Native communities to spread awareness of Native issues and culture.
A’ Ba (2011)
The Good Road (2007)
Cheryl Bear (2006)
Artist (Song) Album
- Nanook (Nanook) Pissaaneqaqisut
- Small Time Giants (Heart Beats a Broken Heart) Stethoscope
- Wolf Saga (Keep Dancing)
- Cheryl Bear (The Road to the Reservation) The Good Road
- Cheryl Bear (Hey Cuzzin’!) The Good Road
- Cheryl Bear (Residential School Song) The Good Road
- Taboo (Stand Up/Stand N Rock #NoDAPL)
- Elisapie Isaac (Butterfly) There Will Be Stars